I had a similar experience but don't remember the details - it was
necessary to delete all dag runs and tasks for items you wanted to
backfill. We probably could have dropped those database rows but did not
try. This was primarily for when there were connection issues or input
files missing that were then later available for the dag to process.


On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 10:26 AM, Maxime Beauchemin <
maximebeauche...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So I'm running a backfill for what feels like the first time in years using
> a simple `airflow backfill --local` commands.
> First I start getting a ton of `logging.info` of each tasks that cannot be
> started just yet at every tick flooding my terminal with the keyword
> `FAILED` in it, looking like a million of lines like this one:
> [2018-05-24 14:33:07,852] {models.py:1123} INFO - Dependencies not met for
> <TaskInstance: some_dag.some_task_id 2018-01-28 00:00:00 [scheduled]>,
> dependency 'Trigger Rule' FAILED: Task's trigger rule 'all_success' re
> quires all upstream tasks to have succeeded, but found 1 non-success(es).
> upstream_tasks_state={'successes': 0L, 'failed': 0L, 'upstream_failed':
> 0L,
> 'skipped': 0L, 'done': 0L}, upstream_task_ids=['some_other_task_id']
> Good thing I triggered 1 month and not 2 years like I actually need, just
> the logs here would be "big data". Now I'm unclear whether there's anything
> actually running or if I did something wrong, so I decide to kill the
> process so I can set a smaller date range and get a better picture of
> what's up.
> I check my logging level, am I in DEBUG? Nope. Just INFO. So I take a note
> that I'll need to find that log-flooding line and demote it to DEBUG in a
> quick PR, no biggy.
> Now I restart with just a single schedule, and get an error `Dag {some_dag}
> has reached maximum amount of 3 dag runs`. Hmmm, I wish backfill could just
> pickup where it left off. Maybe I need to run an `airflow clear` command
> and restart? Ok, ran my clear command, same error is showing up. Dead end.
> Maybe there is some new `airflow clear --reset-dagruns` option? Doesn't
> look like it... Maybe `airflow backfill` has some new switches to pick up
> where it left off? Can't find it. Am I supposed to clear the DAG Runs
> manually in the UI?  This is a pre-production, in-development DAG, so it's
> not on the production web server. Am I supposed to fire up my own web
> server to go and manually handle the backfill-related DAG Runs? Cannot to
> my staging MySQL and do manually clear some DAG runs?
> So. Fire up a web server, navigate to my dag_id, delete the DAG runs, it
> appears I can finally start over.
> Next thought was: "Alright looks like I need to go Linus on the mailing
> list".
> What am I missing? I'm really hoping these issues specific to 1.8.2!
> Backfilling is core to Airflow and should work very well. I want to restate
> some reqs for Airflow backfill:
> * when failing / interrupted, it should seamlessly be able to pickup where
> it left off
> * terminal logging at the INFO level should be a clear, human consumable,
> indicator of progress
> * backfill-related operations (including restarts) should be doable through
> CLI interactions, and not require web server interactions as the typical
> sandbox (dev environment) shouldn't assume the existence of a web server
> Let's fix this.
> Max

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