Hi all,

Enclosed is a proposal for a kubernetes deployment management operator. I
think this would be a good addition to current k8s offerings s.t. users can
actually launch persistent applications from airflow DAGs.

* What?*
 Add an operator that monitors a k8s deployment, declaring the task
complete on proper deployment/accessibility of endpoint

* Why?*
 Not all tasks are single pods, sometimes you would want to run one task
that launches a service, and then a second task that smoke tests/stress
 gives state to an application deployment. This would give airflow extra
functionality as a CI/CD tool in the k8s ecosystem.

* Fix:*
 Create a modification (or extension) of the k8sPodOperator that can handle
entire deployments (possibly using the k8s model API to ensure
full flexibility of users).

 Thank you.

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