An example of creating a deployment using the k8s model architecture can be
found here:

def create_deployment_object():
    # Configureate Pod template container
    container = client.V1Container(
    # Create and configurate a spec section
    template = client.V1PodTemplateSpec(
        metadata=client.V1ObjectMeta(labels={"app": "nginx"}),
    # Create the specification of deployment
    spec = client.ExtensionsV1beta1DeploymentSpec(
    # Instantiate the deployment object
    deployment = client.ExtensionsV1beta1Deployment(

return deployment

This would involve a more k8s knowledge from the user, but would have the
massive benefit that we would not have to maintain new features as the k8s
API updates (Would simply update version). A user would have to supply is a
deployment object and possibly a "success criteria" (i.e. an endpoint to

Conversely, we could make the API a bit easier by only requiring a spec and
an optional metadata, after which we would handle a lot of the boilerplate.

On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 9:20 AM Daniel Imberman <>

>  Hi all,
> Enclosed is a proposal for a kubernetes deployment management operator. I
> think this would be a good addition to current k8s offerings s.t. users can
> actually launch persistent applications from airflow DAGs.
> * What?*
>  Add an operator that monitors a k8s deployment, declaring the task
> complete on proper deployment/accessibility of endpoint
> * Why?*
>  Not all tasks are single pods, sometimes you would want to run one task
> that launches a service, and then a second task that smoke tests/stress
> tests/
>  gives state to an application deployment. This would give airflow extra
> functionality as a CI/CD tool in the k8s ecosystem.
> * Fix:*
>  Create a modification (or extension) of the k8sPodOperator that can
> handle entire deployments (possibly using the k8s model API to ensure
> full flexibility of users).
>  Thank you.

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