Hi everyone,

I've recently looked at the implementation of the ExternalTaskSensor sensor
and I was wondering if it would be a good idea to actually implement this
check (these checks) at the scheduler level. Basically the
ExternalTaskSensor runs a query against the backend database at regular
intervals to know if the rule(s) have passed. This is also what the
scheduler does to some extent checking against all task instances deps. So
I though of something like adding the same (or similar) set of parameters
of the ExternalTaskSensor directly to the operators directly and have the
scheduler check for this.

The idea around this is that the ExternalTaskSensors use resources to not
do much actually.

I have read somewhere that having the scheduler executing these kind of
task could be a potential feature, it would already be a improvement but I
suppose we would need the scheduler to "thread out" to do so, and this will
just move the resources waste from the "executors" to the scheduler.

What do you think ?



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