Apologies, I was sleep deprived and slept through an alarm this morning.

On Thu, Apr 9, 2020, 04:57 Gerben <ger...@treora.com.invalid> wrote:

> Reminder: this call is in 3 hours.
> On 03/04/2020 01:25, Gerben wrote:
> > Next week, same time same place: Thursday 9 April, 15:00 UTC
> > <https://everytimezone.com/s/06252e96> in
> > <https://meet.jit.si/apache-annotator>
> >
> > == Today’s call notes ==
> >
> > Present: Nick, Gerben, Benjamin, Randall, (and Dinesh & Emery, but just
> > when we finished.. sorry about the timezone jump!)
> >
> > Past week:
> > - Benjamin&Randall sent a board report out
> > - Randall worked this week on related projects: dom-seek[1],
> > dom-node-iterator[2], dom-anchor-text-position[3]. Some may end up being
> > incorporated into Annotator.
> > - Gerben has deduplicated the demo code between website repo and code
> repo.
> >
> > Now/soon:
> > - new idea: also publish the in-browser test suite on the website, so
> > the tests can easily be run in anybody’s browser.
> > - the wiki is mostly outdated, let’s prune content to not confuse people
> > → Gerben
> >     - …and add the promised release instructions to the wiki (or in the
> > repo itself?) → Randall
> > - let’s write a better documentation; pick a tool to generate docs from
> > inline comments?
> >     - Jake had started on documenting functions’ APIs; we could start
> > from there?
> > - do we switch to Typescript? Yes (after releasing v0.1).
> > - fragment identifiers: Gerben tried to add tests today for
> > @annotator/fragment-identifier, but bumped into issues with URL
> > encoding. Turns out that the relevant spec (the W3C Selectors&States
> > note) may itself need some clarifications/modifications (see filed
> > issue[4]). Also, we may want/have to rewrite the parser, to replace the
> > curent (borrowed) PEG.js code, creating something with e.g.
> > Parsimmon[5]. Both tasks seem a significant effort, probably not what we
> > should focus on now. Does anyone even (want to) use it besides ourselves?
> >     - intention: **remove** the fragment-identifier module, release
> > without it. Possibly get back to it in the future. → Gerben
> >     - still tempted to implement Chrome’s ScrollToTextFragment spec[6]
> > as a polyfill.
> >
> > Other:
> > - Re: Pondering getting docs into HTML for annotation (see Benjamin’s
> > email of 27 March): too far off, let’s do one thing at a time; but it
> > would be cool to collaborate with (if) other projects doing such a thing.
> >
> > [1]: https://github.com/tilgovi/dom-seek/
> > [2]: https://github.com/tilgovi/dom-anchor-text-position
> > [3]: https://github.com/tilgovi/dom-anchor-text-position
> > [4]: https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/443
> > [5]: https://github.com/jneen/parsimmon/
> > [6]: https://wicg.github.io/ScrollToTextFragment/
> >
> >
> > On 02/04/2020 10:04, Gerben wrote:
> >> Call reminder; this is 7 hours from now.
> >> <https://meet.jit.si/apache-annotator>
> >>
> >> On 26/03/2020 18:10, Gerben wrote:
> >>> From next week, *one hour earlier* as the proposal was to jump along
> >>> with summertime / daylight saving time starting in (most of?) Europe.
> >>> So Thursday 2 April, 15:00 GMT <https://everytimezone.com/s/218bf97e>
> >>> <https://meet.jit.si/apache-annotator>

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