On Fri, 14 Mar 2003 11:53 am, Costin Manolache wrote:
> Conor MacNeill wrote:
> > I'd like to throw this up again. What are peoples thoughts on the
> > following
> >
> > 1. Make Ant 1.6.x the last JDK 1.1 release. This would be clearly
> > documented
> +1
> ( I would be +1 on making ant1.5 the last JDK1.1 release :-)

1.5 could be the last JDK 1.1 release. I'm cool with that. Let's see what 
other opinions surface. I will propose a vote in a day or two if there is 
broad agreement.

> My strong prefference would be to also provide support for Kaffe and other
> VMs ( all are based on Classpath project - so it's the same thing ).
> They have most of JDK1.3 stuff - but not everything.
> I think it is well worth it, GCJ and Kaffe supports a lot of platforms.

No problems.

> > 3. Name this subsequent release Ant 2.0 (due to its change in system
> > requirements)
> +0
> I don't agree that every change in requirements requires a change in
> the major version number ( but maybe I missed some rules ).

No, we would not have to bump the major version num.

Conor MacNeill
Blog: http://codefeed.com/blog/

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