Dominique Devienne wrote, On 14/03/2003 15.50:
I actually signed off <lsync>, not <subant>, technically, but in practice I
give both. Anything I submit to BugZilla is good for the taking, and I'll
refrain to include my usual/automatic copyright notice in the future.

Yees! lsync is koooool :-)

Sorry to hear you suppressed passing down the current target name... That
one of the feature of that task I won't live without. But that's OK, I'll
keep using my own task then (actually I would anyhow for the dependency
ordering I have).

Centipede does it using the Gump project descriptor. Could it be a wise thing to stick to one version of the two only, or does it make sense to have this anyway? (just asking)

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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