I completely desire that, for long nested builds for regression testing makes life really easy to just send a build to run, and if fails, no problem, keep going to the next build.


Steve Loughran wrote:

I think I posted this last week, but it got lost

1. What do people think about adding the ability to set properties if a subant or ant call failed/succeeded. This lets me do complex things in cruise control.

2. How best to do it?

Here is one example implementation

<subant antfile="driver/" target="build"
   succeeded="driver.built" failoneerror="false"/>

<target name="test-driver" depends="driver"if="driver.built" >
  <subant antfile="driver/" target="test"
    succeeded="driver.tested" failoneerror="false"/>

<target name="app" depends="driver" if="driver.built" >
  <subant antfile="app/" succeeded="app.built" failoneerror="false"/>

<target name="test-app" depends="app" if="app.built" >
  <subant antfile="app/" succeeded="app.built" failoneerror="false"/>

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