On Sat, 26 Jul 2003, Conor MacNeill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Currently you get a property telling you the location of your build
> file - not your basedir.

You could use <dirname/> on it, but having it as a separate property
would be convenient.

> BTW, the property is based on the project's name which might be an
> issue if the name is controllable by the importing build file.

Depends on who is in ultimate control.

If I need access to my build file location in the imported file, the
only way right now is when I can control the name.  So the name
attribute on the <import> would have to be the fallback if the
imported file doesn't have a name.

On the other hand, the name is also used to resolve target name
clashes IIUC, then you'll probably want the importing file to be in


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