Stefan Bodewig wrote:

On Fri, 01 Aug 2003, Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The tasks have a list of standard references to pull in, taken from
the .NET framework set. We need to say 'if the platform!=.NET then
have no default references'. You can turn off default references
explicitly, but the implicit behaviour will be broken as it refers
to stuff that mono lacks.

Look at my commit for dotnet.xml, this one lists all the correct
references (Mono get's installed into /usr/lib by the rpms Ximian,
errm, Novell?, provides).

I then get an error

      [csc] error CS0006: Cannot find assembly `'

when I run that target.  It seems as if mcs didn't like the trailing ;
on the references arg, but I didn't dare to change DotnetCompile class
as I don't know whether csc will need exactly that ;.

CSC doesnt need trailing semicolons though it handles it. Guess that is a diff from the mono impl and the MS impl. I filed a bugrep with them, because if they cannot handle empty reference strings then

/ref a.dll;;b.dll will probably also break.

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