I have introduced two changes in the behavior of the FTP.FTPDirectoryScanner
to make it behave like the normal DirectoryScanner :

- possibility of following symbolic links which are directories, governed by
the followSymlinks property,

- including "" (root directory of the fileset) in the includedDirectories,
as long as it matches include patterns

These 2 changes are introducing behavior changes with ant 1.5.3

The impact of the changes :

- symbolic links : if you are doing a get operation and there is a symbolic
link pointing to a directory in the fileset, then you are going to download
from the link too, whereas you previously would not have

- the inclusion of "" in includedDirectories impacts only the action RM_DIR.
I need to check whether it works anyway.

The aim of the exercise was to make FTP.FTPDirectoryScanner pass the same
tests as DirectoryScanner.

My thoughts :

1) concerning the inclusion of "" in includedDirectories

    1a) change the implementation of RM_DIR
    in order not to delete the root dir of the fileset


    1b) revert the inclusion of "" in includedDirectories
    and change the tests + document the difference with DirectoryScanner

2) Concerning the symbolic links

    2a) keep the code change and simply mention it in WHATSNEW.

    Then users who do not want to download symbolic link directories can
simply set the            corresponding attribute to false.


    2b) add a flag in DirectoryScanner#setFollowSymlinks to record the fact
that follow symlinks  has      been explicitly set to true, and only follow
symlinks if the user mentioned it explicitly ?

What are your thoughts ?



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