> > I will have to investigate is there is an easy way/pattern to allow
> > something to be a nested sub-element or have reference id, on the
> > parent element.
> The "parent" decides which nested elements it will accept.  The
> patterns for that are listed in the "Writing your own task" section
> (at least for 1.5).  The same rules that apply to tasks apply to
> nested elements of nested elements as well - i.e. the "parent element"
> defines create/add methods.

Yep, thatīs why it is difficult to be prepared for unknown elements which
to be configured ...
I had to three elements (you specify the implementation class), but I didnīt
know the needed configuration data for these while writing the task (more
the selector). So I used Introspection (IntrospectionHelper) and nested
for that ...


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