I think that the code of Dominique would add a lot of value to ant.
Instead of committing the code as is, I would like simply to add the new
features to the <ant/> task.
This means that it should be a no brainer to have these features then also
in <antcall/>
Can we vote about introducing it ?
I start with my +1
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dominique Devienne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Ant Developers List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 5:36 PM
Subject: RE: ant 1.5.4 : Import

> Then have a look at what I did in the past two days to do something
> ;-) I created an <antreturn> task that piggybacks on <ant>, and allows
> returning properties and/or references from the called build file back
> the caller's context (Project).
> That would take care of that use case ;-) --DD
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Conor MacNeill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 10:39 AM
> > To: Ant Developers List
> > Subject: Re: ant 1.5.4 : Import
> >
> > On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 01:23 am, Dominique Devienne wrote:
> > >
> > > I (strongly again ;) believe that imported build files should be
> > designed
> > > to be imported, and never used without being imported.
> >
> > I disagree (strongly :-). I think augmenting/overriding an existing
> > file
> > is a valid use for import. I recently changed the checkstyle build I
> > been using (check.xml) to import Ant's build.xml to pick up property
> > for
> > various locations. Have a look.
> >
> > Conor
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <project name="AntReturnTest" default="test-returnProperty">
>   <!-- Our custom tasks we are testing -->
>   <taskdef resource="com/lgc/buildmagic/tasks.properties" />
>   <typedef resource="com/lgc/buildmagic/types.properties" />
>   <target name="test-returnProperty">
>     <antreturn antfile="AntReturnNestedTest.xml" target="set-properties">
>       <return>
>         <property name="propA" />
>         <property name="propC" />
>       </return>
>     </antreturn>
>   </target>
>   <target name="test-returnReference">
>     <antreturn antfile="AntReturnNestedTest.xml" target="set-references">
>       <return>
>         <reference refid="pathRef" />
>         <reference refid="filesetRef" />
>       </return>
>     </antreturn>
>   </target>
> </project>
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <project name="AntReturnNestedTest" default="set-properties">
>   <target name="set-properties">
>     <property name="propA" value="a" />
>     <property name="propB" value="bb" />
>     <property name="propC" value="ccc" />
>     <property name="propD" value="dddd" />
>   </target>
>   <target name="set-references">
>     <path id="pathRef" location="${basedir}" />
>     <fileset id="filesetRef" dir="${basedir}">
>       <include name="AntReturn*Test.xml" />
>     </fileset>
>     <patternset id="patternsetRef">
>       <include name="dummy" />
>     </patternset>
>   </target>
> </project>
> // vim:ts=2:sw=2
> package com.lgc.buildmagic.test;
> import org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectComponent;
> import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path;
> import org.apache.tools.ant.types.FileSet;
> import com.lgc.buildmagic.util.BuildFileTestCase;
> /**
>  * Tests &lt;antreturn&gt;.
>  *
>  * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Dominique Devienne</a>
>  * @version Jul 2003 - Copyright (c) 2003, Landmark Graphics Corp.
>  */
> public class AntReturnTest
>              extends BuildFileTestCase {
>   public void testReturnProperty() {
>     executeTarget("test-returnProperty");
>     assertProperty("propA", "a");
>     assertProperty("propB", null);
>     assertProperty("propC", "ccc");
>     assertProperty("propD", null);
>   }
>   private void assertProperty(String name, String expectedValue) {
>     String value = getProject().getProperty(name);
>     assertEquals(name + " property", value, expectedValue);
>   }
>   public void testReturnReference() {
>     executeTarget("test-returnReference");
>     assertReference("pathRef", Path.class);
>     assertReference("filesetRef", FileSet.class);
>     assertReference("patternsetRef", null);
>   }
>   private void assertReference(String refid, Class expectedClass) {
>     Object value = getProject().getReference(refid);
>     if (expectedClass != null) {
>       assertNotNull(refid + " reference", value);
>       assertEquals(refid + " reference type", expectedClass,
> value.getClass());
>       assertSame(refid + " reference project", getProject(),
>                  ((ProjectComponent)value).getProject());
>     }
>     else {
>       assertEquals(refid + " reference found", false, value != null);
>     }
>   }
> } // END class AntReturnTest
> // vim:ts=2:sw=2
> package com.lgc.buildmagic;
> import java.util.List;
> import java.util.Iterator;
> import java.util.ArrayList;
> import java.util.Collections;
> import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
> import org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectComponent;
> import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
> import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Reference;
> import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ant;
> import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Property;
> /**
>  * ...
>  *
>  * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Dominique Devienne</a>
>  * @version Jul 2003 - Copyright (c) 2003, Landmark Graphics Corp.
>  *
>  * @ant.task category="control"
>  */
> public class AntReturn
>              extends Ant {
>   private Project _newProject;
>   private ReturnedElements _returns;
>   public void init() {
>     super.init();
>     setInheritAll(false);
>     setInheritRefs(false);
>   }
>   public void execute()
>               throws BuildException {
>     int returnCount = 0;
>     if (_returns != null) {
>       returnCount = _returns._references.size()
>                   + _returns._properties.size();
>     }
>     if (returnCount > 0 && _newProject == null) {
>       // Create dummy property to get at nested project
>       Property p = createProperty();
>       p.setName("sdliugyhspuygh.asdjhriawu120983472$376asdbfandbfa7347");
>       p.setValue("");
>       if (_newProject == null) {
>         throw new BuildException("Cannot access nested Project
>       }
>     }
>     super.execute();
>     if (returnCount < 1) {
>       return; // Nothing to return
>     }
>     // Set the returned properties in the outer project
>     for (Iterator i = _returns._properties.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
>       ReturnProperty retProperty = (ReturnProperty)i.next();
>       String name = retProperty.getName();
>       String value = _newProject.getProperty(name);
>       if (value == null) {
>         throw new BuildException("Cannot find property '" + name + "'");
>       }
>       getProject().setNewProperty(retProperty.getToName(), value);
>     }
>     // Set the returned properties in the outer project
>     for (Iterator i = _returns._references.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
>       ReturnReference retReference = (ReturnReference)i.next();
>       String refid = retReference.getRefid();
>       Object value = _newProject.getReference(refid);
>       if (value == null) {
>         throw new BuildException("Cannot find reference '" + refid + "'");
>       }
>       if (value instanceof ProjectComponent) {
>         ((ProjectComponent)value).setProject(getProject());
>       }
>       getProject().addReference(retReference.getToRefid(), value);
>     }
>   }
>   /** Intercept property creation to catch the new project. Wicked! */
>   public Property createProperty() {
>     Property p = super.createProperty();
>     _newProject = p.getProject();
>     return p;
>   }
>   /** Adds the set of properties/references to return. */
>   public void addReturn(ReturnedElements returns) {
>     if (_returns != null) {
>       throw new BuildException("Can have only one nested <return>");
>     }
>     _returns = returns;
>   }
>   /** Programatic convenience to select a property to return. */
>   public void selectProperty(String name, String toName) {
>     if (_returns == null) {
>       addReturn(new ReturnedElements());
>     }
>     ReturnProperty p = new ReturnProperty();
>     p.setName(name);
>     if (toName != null) {
>       p.setToName(toName);
>     }
>     _returns.addProperty(p);
>   }
>   /** Programatic convenience to select a reference to return. */
>   public void selectReference(String refid, String toRefid) {
>     if (_returns == null) {
>       addReturn(new ReturnedElements());
>     }
>     ReturnReference r = new ReturnReference();
>     r.setRefid(refid);
>     if (toRefid != null) {
>       r.setToRefid(toRefid);
>     }
>     _returns.addReference(r);
>   }
>   /** A property name to return from the called project. */
>   public static class ReturnProperty {
>     private String _name;
>     private String _toName;
>     public void setName(String name) {
>       _name = TaskUtils.assertNotEmpty(name, "name", true);
>     }
>     public void setToName(String toName) {
>       _toName = TaskUtils.assertNotEmpty(toName, "toName", true);
>     }
>     public String getName() {
>       TaskUtils.assertAttributeSet(_name, "name");
>       return _name;
>     }
>     public String getToName() {
>       return (_toName == null)? getName(): _toName;
>     }
>   } // END class AntReturn.ReturnProperty
>   /** A reference name to return from the called project. */
>   public static class ReturnReference {
>     private String _refid;
>     private String _toRefid;
>     public void setRefid(String refid) {
>       _refid = TaskUtils.assertNotEmpty(refid, "refid", true);
>     }
>     public void setToRefid(String toRefid) {
>       _toRefid = TaskUtils.assertNotEmpty(toRefid, "toRefid", true);
>     }
>     public String getRefid() {
>       TaskUtils.assertAttributeSet(_refid, "refid");
>       return _refid;
>     }
>     public String getToRefid() {
>       return (_toRefid == null)? getRefid(): _toRefid;
>     }
>   } // END class AntReturn.ReturnReference
>   /** List of properties and references to return from the called project.
> */
>   public static class ReturnedElements {
>     private List _properties = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
>     private List _references = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
>     public void addProperty(ReturnProperty retProperty) {
>       if (_properties == Collections.EMPTY_LIST) {
>         _properties = new ArrayList(4);
>       }
>       _properties.add(retProperty);
>     }
>     public void addReference(ReturnReference retReference) {
>       if (_references == Collections.EMPTY_LIST) {
>         _references = new ArrayList(4);
>       }
>       _references.add(retReference);
>     }
>   } // END class AntReturn.ReturnedElements
> } // END class AntReturn
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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