On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Antoine Levy-Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> So far, I have got two +1 (myself and Jan Materne) for this
> proposal.

Just a quick comment from myself.

I don't really like the idea of turning <ant> into a method call,
that's why I won't give you a positive vote - unless I can get
convinced which is pretty unlikely, given my stubbornness.

>From past discussions - and we've had this one a couple of times - I
have the impression that I'm not alone with my feeling so I more or
less waited for somebody else to speak his mind (as I'm too busy
myself to engage in longer arguments right now).

You indicate yourself that we might be better of with postponing this.

I'd like to explore the needs that is driving this specific feature
request - and see whether there is a different way to meet it.
<import> or <include> will allow you to import a set of properties (or
property setting tasks) for example.

> The vote will be closed tomorrow at 12:28 pm CET (20 hours from
> now).

We've never been that strict with deadlines 8-)

> Three +1s are required for a code change, so, by the likes of it,
> the vote will have a negative result.

No, just no positive result.


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