>     Can I suggest trying something new possibly?  ant-contrib 
> might be a 
> good idea, but is it possible to have the ant manual contain(ant 
> repository still would NOT contain the jars such as 
> ant-contrib, just docs)
> 1.  Core Tasks
> 2.  Optional Tasks
> 3.  External Self-Contained Tasks
> 4.  External Tasks
> Then, people who write tasks can put the task in ant-contrib and post 
> the documentation to ant, so at least it can get some visibility.  
> People could also include download links to the jars from the 
> manual, to 
> download the additional things needed.  I think this would be very 
> useful.  

I donīt think that is a good idea. There are so many different projects
with their tasks (and their own doc-style). Therefore you have
- multiple styles
- very often changes

But do you know the "External Tools and Tasks" page on the homepage?

>     I have one more suggestion.  Ant contrib was saying I 
> have to change 
> the build file.  It would be really nice if the only thing we 
> had to do 
> was drop in the ant-contrib jar in the lib directory of ant, and ant 
> used a different classloader to read out of unknown jars to check the 
> tasks.properties file, and if there was one automatically add 
> the tasks 
> without changes to the build file.  I don't think it's that 
> hard to do.  
> Search lib directory for jars not called ant.jar and 
> optional.jar, and 
> then load that jar in a different class loader just to get the 
> properties file and read it in to get all the tasks.  What do 
> you think?

We (or more "the other" :-) are working on something called "ant libs" 
(or something similiar). I think that should do that job.


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