On Wed, 17 Sep 2003, Nicola Ken Barozzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wait, you said that it prints out:
> "Skipped already imported file build.xml"
> This means that the current file is *not* imported twice... how do
> you gather that it executes the import once?

ISTR Peter said it would be imported the first time through and
running ant -verbose says

| Importing file build.xml from /tmp/build.xml
| Skipped already imported file:
|    /tmp/build.xml

which looked to me as if it imported itself and skipped the then
imported import task.  I added an <echo> to the top and only get that
once, so maybe it doesn't import anything at all.

> Stefan Bodewig wrote:
>> If A imports B and B imports A, I do consider it a bug in the build
>> file.
> It is not. It means that both need each other, not "call" each
> other, there is no recursion.  If I import class A from B, and B
> from A, Java will correctly compile the code, it already takes care
> of it too.

<import> and Java's import are quite different IMHO.

<import> includes the other file completely, so the analogy would
rather be the one of C's #include to me (if you leave out the target
override issue for a moment).  And "including" is recursive to me.

gcc's preprocessor will let me circularly include files until I hit a
limit and then make the compilation fail - so it doesn't flag it as
sort of syntax error, but doesn't silently skip the include either.
Thinking about it, it can't as some #define's may have changed in
between so including the same file multiple times is valid in a richer
pre-processor environment.


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