Ok, I think I will try to go back to the drawing board and try
to provide my simple definition of <local> as I originally
proposed. I guess I did not look close enough your implementation.

>From your example bellow I see that <local> does not define a proper
nesting context (which I think is wrong). In my original proposal
<local> extended <sequential> and as such the life of the <local>
was restricted to that nesting. For what I see in your example
<local> is not defined as a nesting task and that concerns me.

As per the <attribute> of <macrodef>, I tend to agree with you
that probably it is not a good idea to treat it as a <local>
since its expansion should be just on the expansion of the macro
itself. But I think the issue here is in <macrodef> and not in the
definition of <local>.

Finally, I would argue that the burden of using ThreadLocals or
watever should be on <parallel> and not is some other task or 
the CORE as a whole. If you want to parallelize tasks that
interfere with one another, it should be upto to parallel
to allow for independent computations. This should be
a completely separate issue from that of <local> it should
be an enhancement request on <parallel>.

So lets talk this over some more,

Jose Alberto

> -----Original Message-----
> From: peter reilly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 22 October 2003 18:36
> To: Ant Developers List
> Subject: Re: Vote: <local> for 1.6
> On Wednesday 22 October 2003 15:04, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
> > On 22 Oct 2003, Stefan Bodewig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I haven't made up my mind on the feature itself
> >
> > OK, re-reading the description first, I don't like the
> >
> > ,----
> >
> > | The value part of <local> is optional, and  the local 
> property may 
> > | be set by a subsequent <property>, <property> will only set it if 
> > | the value is not set.
> >
> > `----
> >
> > part.  This means that whenever I find a <property> task 
> I'll have to 
> > search all possible scopes for a <local> element and can't 
> rely on it 
> > being global.
> >
> > What is the benefit of making <property> adhere to the 
> scoping set up 
> > by <local>?
> The point is that all tasks including <property> see the 
> local properties as normal properties.
> It means that the macro attributes are now seen as normal 
> properties by the tasks that are contained within the 
> sequential nested element.
> The <local> makes a property of the same kind as the macro attribute.
> A common use case for this is when converting an antcall to a 
> macro: I had a target that was used as an antcall target, it 
> used a property "suite.pattern" to contain a regex what was 
> used a number of times in the target and as an ant call was 
> done to invoke the target, this was not seen outside the 
> target. On conversion to a macrodef, the property 
> "suite.pattern" is now a global property and the macrodef may 
> fail unexpectly.
> With local the macro now looks like this:
>   <!--
>        macro to generate test suites registing
>        @param gen.dir  the dir to place the register_suites.h 
> and .cpp files
>        @param unit.dir the dir that the unit_*.cpp files are located
>        -->
>   <macrodef name="gen-register-suites">
>     <attribute name="gen.dir"/>
>     <attribute name="unit.dir"/>
>     <sequential>
>       <local name="suite.pattern" value="^ *SUITE\(.*,\s*(.*)\s*\)"/>
>       <mkdir dir="${gen.dir}"/>
>        ...
>     </sequential>
>  </macrodef>
> Another common use case is use of a local to pass information 
> from one task to another without messing up global properties 
> or similar properties used in other targets (say in a 
> complicated build with a number of imports and lots of targets).
>    <local name="filepath"/>
>    <pathconvert property="filepath" targetos="unix"
>                 refid="files.path"/>
>    <echo>the files in "files.path" are ${filepath}</echo>
> However I can see the problem of looking at a script and not 
> knowing if the property is local or global.
> The last patch allowed [sub]ant[call] to inherit the local properties.
> I propose to change the local so that this inheriatance is 
> removed and also that macro instances do not inherit the 
> local properites - i.e. the local properties are staticlly 
> scoped in the build script.
> So currently the following is the case:
>     <property name="p" value="global"/>
>     <macrodef name="inner">
>       <sequential>
>         <echo>p is ${p}</echo>
>       </sequential>
>     </macrodef>
>     <macrodef name="outer">
>       <attribute name="p"/>
>        <sequential>
>           <inner/>
>        </sequential>
>     </macrodef>
>     <outer p="from macro"/>
> Will generate "p is from macro" which is probally not 
> expected as inner was not explicilty passed the property by 
> outer and inner may be in another file or in an antlib.xml.
> Peter
> >
> > I don't have any strong objections against the rest or the 
> > implementation.
> >
> > So +0.5 (which can be turned into a +0.9 by explaining why 
> <property> 
> > should care about scopes 8-).
> >
> > Stefan
> >
> > 
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