Am 16.12.2003 um 21:04 schrieb Peter Reilly:
The interface is:

public interface DynamicConfiguratorNS {
   void setDynamicAttribute(String uri, String qualifiedName,
                            String value)
           throws BuildException;
   Object createDynamicElement(
       String uri, String localName) throws BuildException;

I assume "qualifiedName" is a typo and should be "localName"?

Another Namespace issue is the handling of the ant core uri by the
code. Currently the code sets this to "" at an early stage.
It however should be retained in the system (ie. whether
the namespace URI of an element is "" or "").

Agreed. But I assume such a change would have rather large impact on the current code base, no?

For ant 1.6 (and beyond) we can make macrodef namespace independent, without
this patch.

I think that would be the best option. It would postpone the addition of a DynamicConfiguratorNS interface to a later release, thus the interface could be designed properly from the start (if there is such a thing ;-) ).


Christopher Lenz
/=/ cmlenz at

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