Dominique Devienne wrote:

From: Jose Alberto Fernandez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey Peter, can't you code that? ;-) --DD

It already exists, it is called velocity. ;-)

I always thought velocity was a templating tool,
so I don't see it's relation to calling arbitrary methods
on objects referred to from Ant references... --DD

It's just the velocity property stuff that's really used here. Here is the example of all this stuff.


<target name="dynamicProperties" depends="init">
<taskdef classname=""
name="jxpath" />
<taskdef classname=""
name="jxpathSet" />
<taskdef classname=""
name="velocityProperties" />
<taskdef classname=""
name="jexlProperties" />

    <!-- Init JxPath. '/' is the project -->

    <echo id="foo" message="Starting dynamic props tests" />

    <echo message="Value: ${vm:$}" />
    <jxpathSet path="/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'jxpathTask']/foo" value="Test"/>
    <echo message="Value: ${vm:$}" />

    <echo message="${}" />
    <echo message="Value: ${vm:$}" />

     message="jexl /references/myJars: ${jexl:ant.references.myJars}" />

<echo message="jxPath /targets[1]: ${jxpath:/targets[1]}" />
<echo message="jxPath /references: ${jxpath:/references}" />
<echo message="jxPath /[EMAIL PROTECTED]'myJars']: ${jxpath:/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'myJars']}" />
<echo message="jxPath /references/myJars: ${jxpath:/references/myJars}" />

    <!-- This is - a datatype that holds an xml DOM  -->
    <typedef name="xmldom"

    <!-- Init XMLDOM. The DOM of file test.xml will be referenced via
         the id-->
    <xmldom id="test.xml" file="test.xml"/>

 message="XMLDOM: ${jxpath:/references/test.xml/root/project/@name}" />


-- Nicola Ken Barozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] - verba volant, scripta manent - (discussions get forgotten, just code remains) ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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