--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 1. Possible requirements
> > 
> > -allow users to specify the URLs of dependent
> antlibs
> Why only AntLibs? Maybe resources in general (jars,
> AntLets, ...)
There was talk at one point about Ant 2.0 (sorry)
possibly incorporating commons-vfs in some way.  I
have kept this in the back of my mind for some time...
I have only looked at vfs briefly, and it still lives
in the sandbox, but might it be of use here as well to
get a pretty flexible means of access to resources? 
One pet focus of mine is the desire to have properties
usable as files in ant... if vfs would let us register
custom protocols, property:myproperty could return a
(vfs) FileObject storing our property's contents,
assuming the property was set...

does anyone else see possibilities here?


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