Krysalis Importer is now available for download at
Try it out. I think it has most enough features to interest you.


Nick Chalko wrote:

In an earlier message Steve Loughran <steve_loughran () hpl ! hp ! com> <?a=107476724500001&r=1&w=2> said

> OK, now that Ant1.6 has antlibs, it is time to think of the next step: auto download of antlibs and (perhaps) dependencies.

Importer from Krysalis does exactly this. It downloads, caches and imports build.xml files that I call antlets.

Some initial documentation is available at

This allows ant files to be a small as this.

- <#> <project name="ruper" default="all">
<description>Depot Ruper is a Repository Updater</description>
<typedef resource="org/krysalis/centipede2/ant/antlib.xml" />
<property name="" value="ruper" />
<property name="project.version" value="0.1-dev" />
<property name="project.src.dir" value="src/java/core" />
<importer name="init-0.1" href=""; />
<importer name="java-0.1" href=""; />
- <#> <path id="ruper.classpath">
- <#> <fileset dir="lib">
<include name="*.jar" />
<target name="all" depends="compile" />

This will give you all the following targets. compile, dist, clean, etc.
The source for the antlets are at

I have a krysalis-importer-0.5-alpha.jar ready to go but Source Forge was down last night, so I won't be able to post until tonight.

Importer is a complete rewrite from the experience gained in the centipede project. It is a small target ZERO dependencies ant task. Importer is the my take at the simplest thing that would work. More needs to be added. I hope to get the depot ruper stuff integrated to handle mirrors and versioning.


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