> From: Stefan Bodewig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> If we stick with JDK 1.5 only, this would become a two very simple
> tasks, so I'm not sure about the antlib approach.

Why not support pack200/unpack200 directly from the <zip> and <jar>,
whenever running on JDK 1.5?

In <zip>/<jar>, it would add a pack200="true/false" attribute, and
<unzip>/<unjar> would automatically check for the PACK200 comment in the
ZIP/JAR file, and do the right thing automatically.

Sounds to me that it's a much nicer integration that having separate tasks.

Optionally, instead of using a pack200 attribute, it could be a <pack200>
sub-element of <jar>, which would allow to plugin more easily a non-JDK1.5
specific implementation (from Jakarta-commons or stefanbodewig.org ;-)

Having them as separate tasks is fine, but if this new compression is half
as good as described, then it's going to be in widespread use very soon, and
direct integration in <jar> would be much more user-friendly IMHO. --DD

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