> From: Stefan Bodewig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Wed, 11 Feb 2004, Dominique Devienne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> From: Stefan Bodewig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> If we stick with JDK 1.5 only, this would become a two very simple
> >> tasks, so I'm not sure about the antlib approach.
> >
> > Why not support pack200/unpack200 directly from the <zip> and <jar>,
> > whenever running on JDK 1.5?
> I rather thought about making <pack200> create the packed files
> without intermediat jars, so the task would be <jar pack200="true"/>
> without changing <jar> itself and clobber it with reflection and all
> that.

That works too.

> > <unzip>/<unjar> would automatically check for the PACK200 comment in
> > the ZIP/JAR file, and do the right thing automatically.
> Uhm, AFAIU the comment is in the archive *after* unPACK200ing them so
> that you know it is not the original jar but one that has been
> modified on its way.

That's not the way I read it, but it's likely I read it wrong. I thought
pack still produced a JAR file, albeit with this special comment, and with
all .class files inside it heavily massages and/or transmogrified into
something else smaller... So that deployment tool can read the JAR comment,
notice the comment, and unpack200 the JAR into a real JAR. But again, I
probably misunderstood. --DD

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