the problem is that they cannot be relative :(

the situation is:

to be honest, I was trying to lock the application jars by not leaving them in the antlib classpath and using the classpath element in the taskdef to load them on demand. I can live with it, no big problem.

The only real bug would be that the taskdef do not throw any warning when it is ignoring the taskdef classpath, loaderref, etc.

In this case I would suggest that taskdef logs a warning or fails if you defined extra classpath inside an antlib.


Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:

Your antlib definitions live inside some Jar (yes?)
Then you could use the Class-Path attribute of the Manifest
to point to the additional jars. Al long as the addresses are relative
all should work fine and the classloader will do the right thing.

Would that work for you?

Jose Alberto

-----Original Message-----
From: Mariano Benitez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 05 March 2004 18:22
To: Ant Developers List
Subject: Re: taskdefs inside an antlib and their classpath

would it be very crazy to add a classpath atlibdefinition that would add jars to the antlib classpath instead of getting ALL the jars from a directory.

My problem is that I would like to keep only the task definitions in the antlib directory and the other dependent jars in a common lib directory with other jars that should not be loaded by the antlib class loader. Besides, the files location is defined based on properties, I cannot know that location when ant starts.

I will investigate a bit on that to see if it is easy to implement another antlibdefinition class for this.


Mariano Benitez wrote:


  Is it possible to define another classpath for a task definition
inside an antlib?

I've read the Definer class and if it is inside an antlib, it uses
that classloader instead of creating a new one with the

additional jars.

Is this desired behaviour? if it is, you should log a warning saying
that whatever you define as classpath in an antlib.xml is

not considered.

Otherwise, I will report the bug :)



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