> One thing I can't find is why this is being put into ant core and not
> an optional task.  Could anyone help me out here?  Thanks.

It's a bootstrapping thing. If its optional, well, its optional so it
may not be there. Which makes it a lot harder to use the task to
retrieve optional stuff. 

Also, and this is important, you dont need to use it to download stuff.
Instead you can use it to manage libraries that you depend on. (We may
want to change behaviour to say if you dont specify a repository, that
is exactly what you get)

So you can say 
<libraries pathid="lib.path">
 <library project="junit" version="3.8.1" />
 <library project="xom" version="1.0.a5" />

<javac classpathref="lib.path" ... />

Because libraries actually verifies that each class is there, it is a
bit stricter about finding problems. And it lets you share a central
repository with other apps. 


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