--- Stefan Bodewig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Dec 2004, Matt Benson
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(edited for brevity)
> > See:
> > (particularly DD's response)
> > and
> So you are saying that Ant committers have finally
> understood that
> dependency management should be a core issue to Ant?
When Russell first brought his dependencies task to
the table, I reiterated the general policy regarding
the introduction of new tasks, especially where they
interacted with software other than Ant (aka optional
tasks).  Unless I have misunderstood it dependencies
is more Maven-centric than <repository> so I feel that
position was applicable.  DD agreed that this had been
a guiding principle but asserted that with time would
come the need for a task of this particular type and
lo, Steve began working on his task presumably within
the next two months.  So I suppose that chain of
events would suggest that the answer to your question
is "yes", though "finally understood" makes the Ant
committers sound like a bunch of dinosaurs.  ;)

> No, I'm not saying that.
Were you answering your own question there?

> I do agree that any mechanism of dependency
> downloads could make
> antlib handling easier.

Feels like some interesting possibilities, yes.


> Stefan

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