> From: Matt Benson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> --- Jose Alberto Fernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > > From: Matt Benson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > 
> > > --- Jose Alberto Fernandez
> > > wrote:
> > > 
> > > > All this discussion about roles brings me back
> > to
> > > > the
> > > > proposal/implementation
> > > > of Roles that I made a long time ago and that
> > was
> > > > rejected.
> > > 
> After thinking about this further, this would be okay
> for inline usage of duplicate names but is still
> inferior to using Antlibs for scoping in that types
> can stand alone at the project level (with id
> normally) in the latter scheme, and referenced later. 
> A small distinction perhaps, but I like to be able to
> declare things I intend to reuse at a high level
> rather than naming them during their first use.

I agree with you in principle. However, I do not think every
little bit of XML is a good candidate for id'ing. 
You may ID a <fileset> or a <resoursecollection> but
a <mapper> on its own makes less sense since you usually
need to look at its meaning in the context of the usage.

You can always find a counterexample of course but as a general rule...

To me name overloading makes sense for a very limited number of 
very much used things <and> as for a condition or a selector, is a good

I am sure others can come with other cases. Forcing usage of namespaces
is the same
as forcing new different names for everything. In particular in core.

Jose Alberto

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