You may well have already included this sort of thing, but I'd cover
(not really esoteric):

      * Immutability and overriding of properties (an often mis-
        understood aspect)
      * Conditional targets
      * Usage of id/refid
      * Multiple source tree support (e.g. for production and test code)
      * Sub-builds (e.g. via subant and ant tasks)
      * Test execution and reporting
      * PropertySet
      * FilterChains and FilterReaders
      * Selectors
      * File Mappers (perhaps with multiple mappings)
      * Availability of third-party extensions (tasks, such as Ant

Phil :n)

On Tue, 2005-07-26 at 09:52 +0700, Kev Jackson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm preparing a talk for the developers here in Vietnam about how to use 
> Ant to build software (mainly Java, but you know there's the .net tasks 
> too).  I have the main body of the presentation completed, but I wanted 
> to include some of the more esoteric things you can do with Ant (not the 
> videogame!).  I noticed on the Manning web-site that Steve mentioned 
> that he has slides available showing imports, macrodefs etc, these would 
> be incerdibly hadny if he still has them (nudge, nudge, wink, wink).
> I cover:
> - Ant versus Make
> - Ant instead of IDE compilation
> - Continuous Integration (CruiseControl)
> - Common tasks (clean, compile, jar etc)
> - Server-side stuff (ftp, deploy etc)
> Anything else I should include for first-timers?  My aim is to help the 
> developers realise that although it is possible to work as a team with 
> each person compiling in their own ide, that Ant simplifies things and 
> allows them to re-use the build script on other projects etc.  I've got 
> another talk on unit testing coming up (I've been here nearly 10 months 
> and I've only seen 1 unit test and there was nothing tested in it).  
> Needless to say, the working practices are similar to what I'd expect in 
> the 80's (SourceSafe as version control, everyone locks files, Waterfall 
> as the process, massive investment in design up front, testing is done 
> by teams of bored people etc etc).
> Kev
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