> Is your analysis in any way similar to how PMD defines it's cyclic
> complexity metric?  I always thought that PMD did a good job of
> warning developers of potentially 'smelly' code.

No, it has nothing to do with McCabe's cyclomatic complexity, which basically
tries to quantify the complexity of the control flow in a method (i.e. how many
different paths there are through if-statemetns, loops etc).

Basically what I'm doing is lookin at compilation dependencies among source
files. So if A.java depends on B.java, and B.java depends on C.java, and C.java
depends on A.java, then A.java and B.java and C.java are all in a dependency


    - -> A -> B -> C --
   `                   |
    \_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/

So in Ant-1.6.5 there are 117 .java files involved in a big dependency cycle.
That is the height of the biggest red bar. The yellow bars show the
distribution of another metric I have devised CRSS which aims to quantify how
"flat" the structure of a system is.

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