Kev Jackson wrote:

yes, cfengine and lcfg can keep your stuff in control. There's also games you can play with vmware/xen hosted images, where the real CPUs just host the virtual machines, and those you replicate off managed "gold" images.

It's funny that you mention this, as my current project is working on bash + perl + python scripts to automate updates to some software hosted in xen - we have two xen images for each component, when we get an update, the host shuts down one of the images (let's say guest 'b'), while the other continues and takes over as the master ('a'), the host (via the scripts) updates the shutdown image, reboots it, then switches control over to it. So far it's been fairly simple (although there's a lot of gpg signatures etc flying about to validate where the updates come from), the hard bit (swapping images in/out) is on this weeks task list.

The spec is ok, but some kind of controller + dsl would be nice, these scripts do feel a little 'hacky' for my liking, although I've discovered bashunit in the process (yes unit testing bash - I never thought I'd see that). The worst part is getting the environment setup - writing the scripts is fairly simple, but having every little detail in place before you can test anything is a real pain.

You have something that works but will not scale. You know that, don't you?

Like I said, puppet and smartfrog. I know, I work on the smartfrog team and am biased, but puppet is nice too.

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