On 15/09/06, Kevin Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How the hell did anyone convince anyone else to use this crap?!

Well, since you asked so nicely... :)

Thanks for taking the abuse in the (semi) light-hearted manner it was
dished out in!  Truly I didn't want to cause too much upset, but I
wanted to express that there are some major documentation problems

> I'm truly at my wit's end regarding such a simple task, here is what I
> currently have in my pom.xml:

If you use ant tasks, you can only use them with other ant tasks. The
ant properties are not fed back into the Maven build by the antrun

So, you'll need to filter it into the file using your own <copy /> task.

You see I've read pretty much every doc available on the web about
maven properties and *none* mentioned that the ant properties are only
available in the antrun plugin - that may be worth adding to the FAQ.

And with the antrun plugin, ok I can get <tstamp> to generate the
value I'm after, and I can use copy/replace to filter it into the
file, but what phase/goal do I need to set so that ant will execute
before the jar file is built?  I thought process-classes as
process-resources seems to occur before compilation.

> I know some of the maven devs lurk here (from time to time), if any of
> them could shed some light on this.

You'll likely get more help on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That was my next step, but I wanted to ask here for 2 reasons:

a - I knew you lurked here and I thought I may get a faster response
(and after a week of flailing about, I need this resolved quickly)
b - the other ant devs have probably come across maven stuff in their
day jobs and they can explain stuff to me in an 'ant' way

> Do I have to write a <tstamp> plugin (mojo?) for this?

That's another option.

Well if that's what it's going to take /rolls sleeves up/

> This has to be the second most frustrating piece of software I've
> encountered - right after Oracle.

Well now, that comparison is just mean! :)

Ok, I retract that bit :).  Thanks for responding to my flamebait.


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