On 10/26/06, Antoine Levy-Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have got the feeling that we are pretty close to releasing 1.7.0.
However I wonder whether we need a beta4 before, particularly due to the
change of refid handling since beta3.

I have some pending work on classpaths in <script>,
there is a number of problems with the current implementation.

1) It does not work for language engines contained in the BSF jar.
   This is  due to usual classloading delegation issues. This effects
   the  languages javascript (rhino), tcl (jacl), jython and rexx.

2) It is not implemented for <scriptmapper>, <scriptcondition> etc.

3) It is not implemented for <scriptdef>

4) One cannot have bsf.jar in the classpath element.

I have fixes for 1,2 and 4. 3) should not be too hard.

Other things that need to be done before ant 1.7.0 final:
Fix some regressions.

<delete> doesnt delete when defaultexcludes="false" and no includes is set

<include if="property"> logic changed for <javac> since ant 1.6.5

I could free a slot for a next concrete release step on Sunday, November

+1 Perhaps call it RC1


Thoughts ?


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