Vladimir Egorov wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Loughran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 9:33 AM
To: Ant Developers List
Subject: Re: FW: antunit branch for 1.6.x compatibility

Vladimir Egorov wrote:
Sorry for a bit of a messy entry into the list. I did not realize
using html email could be a problem. Thanks Stephan for pointing

My inquiry is in connection with TestLogic project on CodeShare.
Could you please expand a little on TestLogic for the rest of the

TestLogic is an initiative by BEA Systems Inc. Tools team to provide
open source testing framework for the enterprise. The flavor of this
effort is to provide the glue that would tie together existing
frameworks (e.g. JUnit) in a consistent manageable way. Over time,
want to cover the breadth of the enterprise testing needs, based on
knowledge of BEA Systems Inc. testing needs. The project is so far a
private project on CodeShare. We are planning to open source when we
reach some point of maturity and can get clearance, hopefully within
That's interesting. Have you seen the work I'm doing with deployment
junit3/4/testng+other frameworks and merging of results

No we haven't seen your work. The 'merging of results' does sound like
the kind of thing we are doing; it would be interesting to learn more
from the links you kindly provided.

uniform serialization of results for over-RMI comms, and (b) some
evolving XML format. For (b) I've got marked up XHTML, but am thinking
of how to use Atom to integrate results, a polling app and log data:


We currently want to stay away from RMI as in our prior experience
framework RMI sometimes interferes with server RMI in unexpected ways.
Also we want to support non-java frameworks (e.g. WinRunner) via single

We use RMI internally, but yes, we do want a wire protocol that is better long haul. One thing I'm thinking of for results is to publish stuff as Atom, but maybe also add a RESTy way of running Tests. I'd back this up with a servlet that could be deployed inside a web app/EAR, to do cactus-style running of tests inside an app server. I think cactus is wonderful, but dont see why you need to instantiate every test class inside the client-side machine, except for compatibility with legacy test runners.

Uniformity of both the java format and the xml output would be very
beneficial, and putting the stuff into antunit and <junit> and
is part of my goal.

We are trying to with existing frameworks with minimum modifications.
For example, we support <junit> by adding a custom nested <formatter>
(listener) that knows how to talk to us.

I was looking at tweaking that myself, but its complex because forked junit instantiates the listener in the remote process, where its hard to configure. With a cross-process run (in which the forked test run feeds results as serialized data or XML) you dont need that; the custom listener can live in ant's process.

If we come up with a new XML format, I'd just patch it in to <junit>, <antunit> and presumably, the junit4 task as and when I sit down to write it.


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