>> > we'd need a metadata tree mapping antlibs to well known packages,
>> > but that is not too hard. JSON, perhaps.
>> Not sure.  Who'd maintain it?
>It should be some xml format.
>I think that it should be on the ant site
>and ant committers would be the updaters of it.
>- this would be similar to the
>related projects page - http://ant.apache.org/projects.html
>but have a separate url for each antlib.
>? somthing like: http://ant.apache.org/antlibdefintions/<package>.xml
>for example:
>of course this raises the issues of version. One may not want
>the lastest
>version of a particular antlib.

There is a solution for versioning issues ... or doesnt solve a
versioning of multiple formats?
mm, the problem is not to store multiple versions on the repo, but to
know which one to pick from the antlib URI. As far as I understand
Steve proposal, the idea would be to introduce automatic download
based on the current format of antlib declaration, which only contains
a package, and no version information.

Am I wrong?


Or we provide a webapp ...


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