On Mon, 07 May 2007, Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You'd have to include a version. One thing you could do is
> lib:xmlns="antlib://org/example/something#2.13" ...but that would
> place the version into the namespace, which is too early to read
> in/expand ant properties, and you'd have to update the xmlns
> declaration everywhere you used it...that's a no-no in a big
> project.


Apart from the idea to use the not-exactly-automatic approach you
describe (use a typedef instead of a namespace alone) another option
would be a level of indirection.  Something Xavier suggested last

xmlns="antlib:ivy://org.apache.antlibs/antunit#integration" could
trigger a lookup of an ivy.xml file and we'll use the integration
configuration of the artifact antunit in the org.apache.antlibs
organization (making up names here).


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