On Feb 8, 2008 11:01 PM, Nicolas Lalevée <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Le 8 févr. 08 à 21:29, Adrian Sandor a écrit :
> > Hi, IMHO it would be much better to build a clean, well-organized
> > and reliable ivy repository instead of supporting that maven
> > garbage. By the way, why was IvyRep abandoned? I think that would be
> > the best solution, to have an official ivy rep., ideally containing
> > artifacts too.
> > I have nothing against [better] supporting maven reps for those who
> > prefer it, but I don't see why it should have a higher priority than
> > supporting an ivy rep.
> > Anyway, I've never used maven (and from what I read about it, I
> > avoided a world of suffering), and during the few minutes I spent
> > with the ibiblio resolver before ditching it, I found these main
> > problems:
> > - bad org names
> > - very old versions for some modules
> > - source and javadoc artifacts not supported (except by IvyDE)
> > Therefore the only solution was to manually build an "enterprise
> > repository" from scratch.
> Well, to build a "entreprise repository", you will need some
> "entreprise maintainers". And looking at the number of artifacts
> available on ibiblio, for me it is a kind of magic to have Ivy support
> maven repositories. And we have to admit that maven is more popular
> than Ivy, so people will still continue to publish maven artifacts,
> even non maven-built projects as Lucene.

Agreed, this is a big advantage of leveraging maven 2 repo.

> And on the contrary, we could imagine to have some ivy.xml just next
> to the pom.xml on the maven repositories, so we could have a IvyRep2
> with not that much effort from the developer (non necessarily ivy
> ones) community.

Yes, but even maintaining ivy files require a strong community if we want to
have good quality metadata. That's what we tried with Ivyrep, while Ivy was
being sponsored by Jayasoft. But it was just too much work compared to the
result on investment. I still think that implementing a good maven 2
compatibility is less work than trying to build our own clean repository,
and it helps users to migrate from maven 2 too. So I still think having a
good maven 2 compatibility is mandatory for Ivy 2 final. Once we'll have a
large user community or some sponsorship, we will probably reconsider the
case of public official Ivy repository.


> Nicolas
> > This could be avoided if an IvyRep was maintained (at least I could
> > do "install").
> >
> > Just a new user's opinion :)
> >
> > Adrian
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----
> > From: Xavier Hanin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: Ant Developers List <dev@ant.apache.org>
> > Sent: Saturday, February 9, 2008 2:44:15 AM
> > Subject: Add maven2 resolver?
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Now
> > that
> > Ivy
> > is
> > using
> > maven
> > 2
> > repository
> > as
> > default
> > public
> > repository,
> > and
> > that
> > we
> > see
> > many
> > people
> > trying
> > to
> > leverage
> > maven
> > 2
> > repositories,
> > I'm
> > wondering
> > if
> > we
> > shouldn't
> > introduce
> > a
> > maven2
> > resolver.
> > This
> > resolver
> > would
> > basically
> > be
> > the
> > equivalent
> > of
> > ibiblio
> > resolver
> > with
> > m2compatible
> > set
> > to
> > true.
> > The
> > advantage
> > is
> > a
> > better
> > name,
> > and
> > we
> > can
> > make
> > also
> > other
> > improvements.
> > For
> > instance,
> > we
> > could
> > set
> > checkConsistency
> > to
> > false
> > on
> > this
> > resolver,
> > since
> > pretty
> > often
> > people
> > complain
> > about
> > inconsitencies
> > in
> > maven2
> > repo
> > (see
> > for
> > instance
> > last
> > comments
> > on
> > [1]).
> > We
> > may
> > also
> > set
> > the
> > changingPattern
> > to
> > make
> > dependencies
> > work
> > (more
> > than
> > that
> > needs
> > to
> > be
> > done,
> > this
> > should
> > be
> > addressed
> > in
> > IVY-501).
> > We
> > may
> > even
> > try
> > to
> > make
> > this
> > resolver
> > leverage
> > maven2
> > cache,
> > for
> > people
> > who
> > work
> > with
> > both
> > Ivy
> > and
> > maven
> > 2
> > on
> > the
> > same
> > machine.
> >
> > WDYT?
> >
> > Xavier
> >
> > [1]
> >
> http://tapestryjava.blogspot.com/2007/11/maven-wont-get-fooled-again.html
> > --
> > Xavier
> > Hanin
> > -
> > Independent
> > Java
> > Consultant
> > http://xhab.blogspot.com/
> > http://ant.apache.org/ivy/
> > http://www.xoocode.org/
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Xavier Hanin - Independent Java Consultant

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