> >>> Therefore the only solution was to manually build an "enterprise
> >>> repository" from scratch.
> >>
> >> Well, to build a "entreprise repository", you will need some
> >> "entreprise maintainers".

I was talking about a private repository for me and my coworkers. It's
called "entreprise repository" in the Ivy docs.
But yes, a (public) Ivy rep needs maintainers, and I think it's not that
hard. Users can submit modules and the maintainers just need to check and
add them. A publishing procedure can be designed and enforced in order to
make it easy for maintainers.

> >> And looking at the number of artifacts
> >> available on ibiblio, for me it is a kind of magic to have Ivy
> >> support
> >> maven repositories. And we have to admit that maven is more popular
> >> than Ivy, so people will still continue to publish maven artifacts,
> >> even non maven-built projects as Lucene.

Yes, this is a good thing in the beginning. But in the long term, this will
encourage people to just continue to publish things to maven, which helps
maven more than ivy. Maven being so broken, I'd rather let it die :p

> >> And on the contrary, we could imagine to have some ivy.xml just next
> >> to the pom.xml on the maven repositories, so we could have a IvyRep2
> >> with not that much effort from the developer (non necessarily ivy
> >> ones) community.
> >
> > Yes, but even maintaining ivy files require a strong community if we
> > want to have good quality metadata. That's what we tried with Ivyrep,

> while Ivy was being sponsored by Jayasoft. But it was just too much

> work compared to the result on investment.

I think there are ways to reduce the amount of work. But yeah, community is
important. I'm willing to help, if it matters :)

> I was just considering adding the possibility to
> the maven2 resolver to also try to look for an ivy.xml just next to
> the pom.xml (I haven't looked to the technical consequences though).
> Then the maven2 community could also be an Ivy community. So the
> Ivyrep Adrian is looking for could be nothing more than the ibiblio one.

Well, that doesn't solve the problem of bad org names. And it requires
cooperation with the maven/ibiblio people (if they're ok, then it could

Anyway, for now, I guess it makes sense to enhance maven2 support (with
poms), as it will bring the most results in the short term.
In that case, the first thing I'd request is support for source and javadoc
artifacts (I understand they're not defined in poms, so Ivy should just
construct the corresponding URLs and check whether they exist).
Obviously, other users have other requests, and it's up to you to sort the
priorities :)


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