I think you have to accept that there will be bugs. After all, would you halt the whole release if a minor bug was found the day before it was due to be published?

But there are different categories of bugs. Some are so serious that you don't want to roll a release with it no matter what. This category really should result in pulling a release the day before publishing. Then there is a descending scale after that.

My suggestion would be to use the Priority field for this purpose. Here is how I use the Jira priorities: - Anything labeled "Blocker" should be fixed ASAP. It might be impacting other developers working from the tip or perhaps breaking Gump. - "Critical" is for anything that has to be fixed before a release can go out. - "Major" issues should be targeted for fixing for a release and their number kept as low as possible, but if any ended up in a release you wouldn't lose sleep over it.
 - "Minor" issues are the "nice-to-haves".
- "Trivial" issues are ones that someone has complained about but the developers don't see that fixing them would significantly improve the product.

If you have some sort of standard like that to go by, I think you can fairly rapidly differentiate the bugs and then define a release as: No Blockers or Criticals, and as few Majors as is practical to accomplish within the time span available. The number of Minors and Trivials are ignored.

Xavier Hanin wrote:
More than one month ago we agreed to focus on bug fixing for 2.0 final (see
my original mail below).
At that time we had about 80+ issues targeted at 2.0.
Since then it seems we have fixed 57 issues:

But we still have 64 issues to fix, which shows that new issues comes up (or
some where retargeted or created to detail issues being fixed).

This leads me to one question: is our objective to fix all open bugs for 2.0
too ambitious?

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