On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 1:45 AM, Xavier Hanin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 9:48 PM, Archie Cobbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Since Ivy RoundUp builds its repository using ant, it would be easy to
> add
> > "meta-data meta-data" that would handle things like backward-compatible
> > aliases for organisation names.
> IMHO, it's what should be avoided. For me the perfect repository has no
> duplication, each module can be found in only one place, and metadata is
> perfect :-) Obviously sometime you will have modules changing of
> organization in their lifetime, but it should reflect a real change, not a
> change in the way you write the metadata.

I did a simple prototype of this "aliasing" functionality yesterday.
However, I agree with you that it would be preferable to establish clear
guidelines from the beginning and stick with them.

I also agree that using the Java package names for "organisation" is the way
to go. At least, this works for software written in Java... (there's no
reason you couldn't use Ivy for, say, C++ libraries if you really wanted

When you have time, I'd appreciate your valuable input on this and any other
module maintenance issues on the

> BTW, I was also thinking about the repository quality and I think a good
> way
> to achieve a good quality is to check what you put in the repository.

I am in strong agreement here as well. This is the way the RoundUp project
is intended to work already: you don't SVN commit directly to the
repository; instead, you have to "build" the repository using ant.

Currently, we are already doing some checks in the build, such as XSD
validation, auto-insert <?xml-stylesheet> tags and other information, etc.
There's no limit to how much verification and checking you could do.. and
certainly more is better. This is of course otherwise known as the "test
with every build" philosophy... I wouldn't want it any other way.


Archie L. Cobbs

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