
> with Kev, Martijn and myself we have three PMC members vote +1 on the
> release.  Given that Kev is moving across half of the planet, I'm
> finishing the release process for him.

Thanks for stepping in Stefan,

> So far the release files are in place and the Ant site has been
> updated at the rsync master and I'm holding back the announcement
> until (www|ant).apache.org have been updated.
> During the process I realized that the source ZIP lacked a PGP
> signature.  I verfied the ZIPs content was identical to the one of the
> tar.bz2 archive I had downloaded when I voted on the release - and
> now signed the ZIP myself.

Good catch, I guess I mis-typed my passphrase on that one when running
the .sh file.

> Kev highlighted extended Java6 and JavaFX support and I guess this is
> what I'm going to put into the announcement mail and text on freshmeat
> as well - I might add expected performance improvements.

To be honest the Java6/JavaFX support were the only two 'new' things I
was certain about.  I couldn't remember the significant changes, and a
browse through the changelog/WHATSNEW suggests that this is primarily
a bug fix release and not a feature release.

I'm now back in the UK, but my PC is somewhere else (I'm using my
parents *very old* pc to send this).  Hopefuly I'll be back online
properly soon :).  Just got in today and need some time to adjust to
the cold!


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