I'm +1 to put the concept in Ant's core, marked as experimental.

A question that I have is how deep we want to push this concept?

A first level would be that a phase or a target-group is a "normal"
tartget for which the depends is build based on the other target that
are found. (with that view, I wonder by the way what motivate the fact
that the phase have no tasks).

A second level (maybe I go too far) might be to put it deeper up to
the event notification.  A build that use phase might have
phaseStarted and phaseFinished event sent around targetStarted and

2008/11/11 Stefan Bodewig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi all,
> EasyAnt has a concept named "phase" which is some special sort of
> target.  The main differences:
> * is always empty
> * its depends list is open for other targets to modify, i.e. targets
>  may add themselves as dependencies to a phase.
> It has been suggested to rename "phase" to "target-group".
> Without going into implementation details, do we want to add the
> concept itself to Ant's core?
> If we don't I'll volunteer to help the EasyAnt people to hook the
> concept into Ant without patching Ant itself.
> Stefan
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Gilles Scokart

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