Raja Nagendra Kumar <nagendra.r...@tejasoft.com> wrote on 12/15/2008 
08:40:48 AM:

>        <DeepCopy dir="${foundation.j2me.buildutils.root}/props"
>           patterns="${deviceID}.*,*.xml,vendor.*, global.*">
>       <include name="**/${deviceID}.properties"/>
>        </DeepCopy>

This is very simple: Ant is creating DeepCopy & that's it. Since Ant is 
creating DeepCopy as a result of parsing a project file (i.e. build.xml) 
it will configure DeepCopy. 

You're creating copy instances within the DeepCopy code, so Ant has no 
idea that you've created them. You created them so you're responsible for 
configuring them correctly. It's unreasonable to expect Ant to be 
omniscient about what you apparently expect it to be omniscient about.

I understand you're upset that you lost three hours trying to figure this 
out, but your intransigent pursuit of this issue is baffling considering 
that you've already been told multiple times what the problem is and 
pointed to the documentation that explains how all of this works.

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