The ivy:makepom task has been greatly enhanced in Ivy 2.2.0. It is now possible 
to specify a custom pom template containing information about the license, SCM, 
plugins, developers, ...

Here is how Ivy publishes itself to the Nexus repository.

        <ivy:makepom ivyfile="${}/ivy.xml" 
            <mapping conf="core" scope="compile"/>
            <mapping conf="test" scope="test"/>

        <ivy:settings id="upload.settingsId" file="ivysettings-release.xml" />
        <ivy:resolve file="${basedir}/build/artifact/ivy.xml" 
        <ivy:publish organisation="org.apache.ivy"

            <!-- The standard maven2 artifacts -->
            <artifact name="ivy" ext="pom" type="ivy" />
            <artifact name="ivy" ext="jar" type="sources" classifier="sources" 
            <artifact name="ivy" ext="jar" type="javadoc" classifier="javadoc" 

We declare some additional artifacts (like the generated pom and the 
sources/javadocs) inside the ivy:publish task because the ivy.xml doesn't 
contain them.
In addition, the ivysetting-release.xml configures Ivy to automatically create 
PGP signature of the artifacts. So there is no need to declare them any longer 
as artifact.


----- Original Message ----
From: Jean-Louis Boudart <>
To: Ant Developers List <>
Sent: Fri, October 8, 2010 5:03:37 PM
Subject: Re: Review Needed for "Publishing Maven Artifacts with Ivy" Doc

At the beggining of the documentation you say "In addition you will need a
minimal POM for your jar".

Are you planning to maintain dependencies in both ivy.xml / pom.xml
Ivy offers a task that can generate a pom.xml from a given ivy.xml ( However the
support is quite limited and provided many limations.

I'll get back later with some additional informations on the limitations and
already possible alternatives.

Stay tuned :p

2010/10/8 Jean-Louis Boudart <>

> Hi there,
> <ivy:deliver> is used to generate the ivy.xml before publication based on
> the last resolved informations.
> Why are we  generating an ivy.xml here ?
> Because when publishing, ivy adds some attributes in the generated ivy.xml
> file (like publication date, publication revision, publication branch).
> One other goal of the <ivy:deliver> is to replace dynamic revisions in
> project dependencies (if you use latest.revision, or [2.2.+[ or stuff like
> that in your <dependencies>).
> To sum up <ivy:deliver> fixes every dynamic value in the ivy.xml file to
> make it reproducible.
> <ivy:publish> can make the <deliver> process if you haven't do it explictly
> before. So you can consider <ivy:deliver> as optionnal.
> In some cases, invoking explicitly <ivy:deliver> is required :
>    - If you want to do some post processing on ivy.xml file before
>    publishing
>    - If you're using  recursive delivery
> 2010/10/8 Stefan Bodewig <>
> Hi,
>> I have one issue that is slowly bubbling up on my TODO list: I promised
>> to provide Ant+Ivy content for
>> <>
>> Rather than starting a lengthy thread on this list, I've created a Wiki
>> page <>
>> Please review what I've written, in particular the Ivy specific parts
>> since I'm really a newbie when it comes to Ivy.  If anybody could
>> explain to me why we use the deliver task at all, I'd be grateful.
>> Thanks
>>        Stefan
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> --
> Jean Louis Boudart
> Independent consultant
> Project Lead

Jean Louis Boudart
Independent consultant
Project Lead


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