On 2010-10-08, Maarten Coene wrote:

> The ivy:makepom task has been greatly enhanced in Ivy 2.2.0. It is now
> possible to specify a custom pom template containing information about
> the license, SCM, plugins, developers, ...

OK, I'll enhance the page and say you should use the makepom task if you
are already using Ivy.

>From what Jean-Louis and you say the deliver task is completely
redundant since publish will take care of everything anyway (for the
usecase of that page).

> Here is how Ivy publishes itself to the Nexus repository.

>         <ivy:publish organisation="org.apache.ivy"
>                      module="ivy"
>                      revision="${build.version}"
>                      srcivypattern="${basedir}/build/artifact/ivy.xml"

> artifactspattern="${basedir}/build/distrib/maven2/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]"

>                      publishivy="false"
>                      conf="core"
>                      settingsRef="upload.settingsId"
>                      resolver="nexus">
>             <!-- The standard maven2 artifacts -->
>             <artifact name="ivy" ext="pom" type="ivy" />
>             <artifact name="ivy" ext="jar" type="sources" classifier="sources"
> />
>             <artifact name="ivy" ext="jar" type="javadoc" classifier="javadoc"
> />
>         </ivy:publish>
> We declare some additional artifacts (like the generated pom and the
> sources/javadocs) inside the ivy:publish task because the ivy.xml doesn't
> contain them.

I didn't know this was possible.  Should add that to the page.

> In addition, the ivysetting-release.xml configures Ivy to
> automatically create a PGP signature of the artifacts. So there is no
> need to declare them any longer as artifact.

and this as well.

Please double-check the changes I'll make to the wiki page in a few
minutes.  I'll go affline for about a week, so there'll be plenty of
time for feedback before the content goes to the main site.


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