This too I find a great idea. Multicores mean we need more ways of exploiting parallelism, particularly if they can be identified automatically by the application.

For backward compatibility it would have to be optional, though, either specified on the command line or at the build file level or using a different kind of target tag. Of course, the additional information you suggest on targets would make that the case anyway, but in some cases I think we might be able to automate it based just on what we have if the build system is written properly so that dependencies on targets that provide needed resources are explicitly identified.

Too many build systems in my experience rely on the order the dependencies are resolved on a higher order target rather than explicitly identifying dependencies on the targets that they are required on. This despite the fact that we have some language somewhere that you can't rely on the order of resolution of the dependencies. Sometimes that has proved a requirement to avoid targets that depended on each other, but I've seen it used as a shortcut instead far too often.

Creating Ant clusters is also a great idea, at least to plan for. Perhaps something like Zookeeper to coordinate builds and a message bus like ActiveMQ or perhaps better QPid to schedule and report back to other nodes on the results.

The idea of turning the dependency tree into a state machine is also interesting. It would combine the tree and the resolving of the tree with execution of tasks into a single entity. I worry, though, that some flexibility in our current system might be lost if the two portions are combined into one. Perhaps not. It could also introduce the possibility of cycles. Currently the dependency tree gets executed as a DAG but there have been a lot of requests for looping which a state machine could more easily support.

On 2/18/2012 2:02 AM, Gilles Scokart wrote:
For me, one feature for a 2,0 would be a different style of dependency
tree that would allow better parallel execution (on the same machine,
or why not on distributed machines).
I see the 'targets' being more declarative, becoming a state
transition saying : I need this resources in that state, I will use
this other resources (and I don't want the to change during my
execution, and I will produce this other resources in that other

The dependency tree would be an logical engine finding the shortest
path to go to the desired state, using parallel/distributed processing
when possible.

That's what I miss with existing build system : I want to go as
quickly as possible to a desired build state (from a current state).

Gilles Scokart

On 17 February 2012 20:07, Bruce Atherton<>  wrote:
It doesn't require a rewrite, but a rewrite could simplify integrating a
usecase like this as well as integrating other features that we already have
into it and making them simpler and unified inthe code. I agree the usecase
is an excellent one which could simplify the lives of exactly the type of
users I am talking about.

It sounds like you are suggesting that the dependency tree be extensible and
modifiable, perhaps manipulable, within targets as well so long as that part
of the tree hasn't run yet. In a sense that is what macros do because they
allow you to swap in some static block of tasks to replace a single task.
There is also the feature from EasyAnt for changing target dependencies. But
what I'm hearing is that you want more flexibility than that.

Something to walk the existing dependency tree, perhaps, with conditional
behaviors to modify the metadata on existing element such as dependencies
and if/unless, replacing the element with another or a subtree (perhaps
itself dynamically walked and created), adding branches, perhaps deleting
elements or subtrees. Kind of like what we can do with a tree of files and
directories already. Does that sound like what the design you'd like to see
would have?

And perhaps it could encompass providing both the macro and target
dependency changes to the tree as well, along with any other code we have
that alters the dependency tree. I'm not sure which of the various ways to
call back into Ant do this. I'm sure there are other examples in the

I'm not familiar enough with this part of the code any more to know whether
there is already a single elegant solution in Ant 1 that all the code which
modifies the dependency tree shares, but given our BC requirements I doubt

One example of a FileSystemProvider that Java 7 suggests in its API docs is
a "memory" file system, one identified by the URL "memory://". Perhaps our
dependency tree could be a kind of file system, then we could reuse vast
swathes of code we already have, both in the standard class libraries and in
Ant itself. Just an idea off the top of my head.

On 2/17/2012 5:53 AM, Dominique Devienne wrote:
2012/2/17 Bruce Atherton<>:
A lot of companies have their own, internally written build file
just so their build systems are consistent and exactly what they want.
Related Projects and External Tools page has some of these that were made
public, I suspect.

Surely there is a better way than requiring users of Ant to write
to deal with the complexity and keep it customized.
At one point I did write a build(s) (XSLT-based) generator
specifically for a large and hairy project. Later I rewrote the whole
thing with macrodefs. But my point is that I don't view build
generators as bad, in fact it often helps IMHO to have a declarative
custom DSL (in XML in my case, so read "DSL" with a grain of salt)
that's used as the input for generating Ant build fragments, and have
those fragments be able to "insert" them into the target graph. I've
also long felt Ant needed generalized if/unless/os (and my own
extensions like ifTrue, unlessTrue, when) on any "XML tag" (or
UnknownElement if you prefer), just read the recent "add if/unless to
<javac>'s<compilerarg>" thread.<macrodef>    is nice, but you can't use
it for arbitrary, *and conditional*, XML "fragments" inside tasks. All
those things you can often do more easily with a generator, but that's
often cumbersome, doesn't play well with IDEs, etc... I guess I'm
saying I've often wished for generator-like features as a built-in
part of Ant. Do you see what I'm saying? Ant now does late
"conversion" from UnkownElement to actual configuration of the Java
code it maps to, and a way to influence/transform that almost AST-like
graph would make Ant more powerful and flexible, perhaps at the
expense of creating "dialects" unreadable to someone not familiar with
them. Given Ant's XML roots, perhaps a tighter built-in integration
with XSLT to dynamically "rewrite" the build at runtime/buildtime
would be one way to achieve what I envision (notwithstanding the talks
of non-XML front-ends of course).

Stepping of my soapbox now :)  What I'm saying has nothing to do with
Java7, nor necessarily require a rewrite either. --DD

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