Since these methods are not documented and are not used inside the Ivy code, 
it's not clear to me what they should do. Changing their behaviour could break 
existing tools using this API.

I think you should use one of the SearchEngine#listModules(...) methods 
instead. There you can also pass the resolver to search.


 From: Stephen Kestle <>
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 3:29 AM
Subject: Re: Why does SearchEngine.listRevisionEntries return 4-6x the results 
it should?
Further analysis shows that:

It will be multiplied by:
* the number of resolvers in the ivy settings configuration
* the number of patters in the resolver <ivy pattern> and <artifact pattern>

I have 2 of each so it returns 4. I presume (although I won't check now)
that 2.3.0 "unpacks" the changed resolver making it 3x2.

This seems like 2 bugs to me...

SearchEngine.listOrganisations() loops over the resolvers. Presumably using
an OrganisationEntry with 1 specific resolver should not search over other
resolvers as well...

When retrieving versions, the search should not look at the artifacts, just
the ivy files.

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