2014-04-14 11:59 GMT+02:00 Nicolas Lalevée <nicolas.lale...@hibnet.org>:

> I like git, so I like the idea.
> But what about the publication of the doc on the website ? Today we rely
> on svn:externals for the doc of each release. How would it be managed if
> it's migrated to git ?
I think this could be solved with git submodules [1] for example and then
triggered by gitpubsub [2].

> And I have not searched in the ASF docs, but do you have any pointer on
> some guidelines about handling IP ? Can we merge any pull request ?
Don't have any pointer about handling IP but i'm sure people invested in
other Apache project present in this ML could give us their guidelines.

[1] http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Submodules
[2] https://www.apache.org/dev/gitpubsub.html

Jean Louis Boudart
Independent consultant
Apache EasyAnt commiter http://ant.apache.org/easyant/

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