On 31.07.2016 10:27, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
Hi all

Ant's master branch is down to a single test failure apart from the JAI
problems on my local machine.


An error I've overlooked when I initially
reported the problems I've found

It looks as if <https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=52382>
was back. You can't use Xalan's redirect extension when a
SecurityManager is set.

The reason is that since JAXP 1.4 XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING
has been introduced and this one gets enabled (and you can't disable it)
if a SecurityManager is set. The fix we applied back then is a hack that
sets _isNotSecureProcessing in TransformerFactoryImpl via reflection -
this works fine for JDK 7 and 8, but breaks now.

Yeah, that's by design - the module system in JDK 9 prevents such hacks to
internal classes. Please see http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/261 for details
and escape hatches.

As far as not being able to use XSLT extensions when secure processing is enabled, that's been the case since JAXP 1.4: https://jaxp.java.net/1.4/JAXP-Compatibility.html#JAXP_security , while FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING itself was introduced with JAXP 1.3: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/xml/jaxp/JAXP-Compatibility_150.html#JAXP_security . Finally, JAXP 1.5 documents SecurityManager setting FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING here: https://jaxp.java.net/1.5/JAXP1.5Guide.html#JAXP1.5Documentation%2CGuide-5RelationshipwiththeSecurityManageroftheJavaplatform

If you need to do insecure XSLT processing, then http://camel.465427.n5.nabble.com/XMLConstants-FEATURE-SECURE-PROCESSING-feature-setting-in-jboss-fuse-6-1-td5750712.html may be relevant.

Rather than adding another layer of reflection (likely need to undo the
changes to _featureManager from
) I'd prefer to figure out a way that allows the following scenario:

* User is using an IDE which has enabled a SecurityManager to run
* User wants to run an XSLT transform that uses Xalan's redirect

without any hacks. Running Ant's <junitreport> is one example of such a

I think core-libs-dev@openjdk would be a good place to solicit feedback in this case.

PS and completely unrelated: while adding support for javac's -h option
I realized the option wasn't mentioned inside javac's manual page at
all. Only javac -help talks about it.

Please see https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8065825 and related issues.

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