Hi Dalibor,

On 23/01/19 2:51 PM, Dalibor Topic wrote:
> On 23.01.2019 08:56, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
>> Our Ant testsuite against this EA version of JDK 13 has passed fine on
>> Linux. However, one of our other projects within the Ant umbrella has
>> shown an issue with the Jacoco library usage (which internally uses ASM
>> library). Narrowing this down to a simple standalone Java program has
>> shown that this version of Java isn't compatible with ASM 7.0. It runs
>> into:
>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported class file major
>> version 57
>>      at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>(ClassReader.java:184)
>>      at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>(ClassReader.java:166)
>>      at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>(ClassReader.java:152)
>> while trying to instrument a class compiled with that JDK 13 EA build. I
>> haven't yet had a chance to see if there's a newer version of ASM which
>> works against this version, but my quick checks haven't shown any newer
>> versions.
> Hi Jaikiran,
> the changes for experimental support of JDK 13 bytecode have just gone
> into jacoco, per https://github.com/jacoco/jacoco/pull/835 .
Thank you for pointing me to that commit, I'll give that snapshot
version a try against our project and see how it goes, over the next few


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