
DataTorrent, the initial contributor to Apex and the company I work for,
has opened up a library of operators called Megh recently to the public and
has made the repository available under the Apache License. The link to the
repository is below. These operators, for the most part, contain
functionality that is complementary to what Malhar library provides and
were developed to solve business use cases that arose over time. Also, some
operators in Malhar were inspired from early implementations in the Megh
library and were built upon knowledge gained in doing the original

Our goal is to not have Megh as a separate library but rather bring these
operators into Malhar in a fashion that it is consistent with the Malhar
project and repository. In the upcoming days, in a gradual fashion, we will
have more details on the individual operators that we would like to
contribute. Also, if you are interested in helping with this effort please
raise your hand.



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